Wednesday, February 28, 2007

I wanna' get PHYSICAL... physical!

Hooray for Physical Theatre!!

We have been working on the idea of expressing our emotions and our intentions through physicality rather than speech. The mirroring game (ahh what theme/ title allusion) puppet games, impro to music, physical movement in small groups and mime where activities brought up on wednesday. - This was to introduce the physical nature of 'Mirror Mirror' to the group and convince us just HOW MUCH we will need to express with our bodies.


I have a background of dance which makes physical theatre seem all the more inviting. That is dance- expression emotion, intentions and themes through your body and making it effective all at the same time. We try to introduce technique and style- which will hopefully bring about a certain mood or tone in the audience. WE NEED ATMOSTPHERE!

The activities of wednesday were very encouraging and inspiring to me as not only could we test out our comfort in ourselves, but we were able to see just how each other moves. i hope our comfort both within ourselves and the group will dramatically increase over time. And I aim to achieve a loevel of comfort equal to that of the year 12's warming up for 'Alice' last year. They were free :)

May i say again bow excited I am about Mirror Mirror and the potential it has. hopefully we will work out backstage quickly and start working on set and costume... maybe together? will this work though? hmmm

Well, I think tis enough. Get physical.. especially YOU Kyle :)

Friday, February 23, 2007

The Dreamers...?

Comments on 'The Dreamers'...of the long gone past..

Aboriginal culture is not really my thing. I can certainly repect their way of life, and I admit their successful and pure communist lifestyle is impressive.. However with regards to spectacular and fascinating historical events and cultures, this one does not drastically appeal to me.

All in all I found the readings of 'The Dreamers' very beneficial for my understandung of the text.There are some interesting and clever techniques used in the play.. especially involving the character of thr dancer. I think Bec played this very well.

It is a play which is very easy to visualise in theatre. At least in my mind- each scene was very basic, yet imaginable for the viewer. The characters were believeable too which also helped..

All in all, 'The Dreamers' was interesting to do, but I am admitedly quite glad its done.. at least for now...

Thursday, February 22, 2007

The play's the thing!

Three propsals..........

1) Cloudstreet
2) The Rhinoceros play
3) Mirror Mirror

As you know, over the past few lessons we have been discussing which play should be performed as our group piece... There has been much controversy over the topic as many people have opposing intentions as to what they want to 'get out of' the play. I think all of these points are very valid, and it was indeed very important that we each consider exactly what it is that we are aiming for, and what we want. Firstly, we needed to decide if we were hoping to put in enough theory work to receive excellent results, or if we would rather choose the less challenging play as it would be slightly more fun to perform. Many extremely valid points were raised such as the effectiveness of the play on our audience, how the moderator will receive our piece, the importance of theory and performance, the impressivenes of the play and the way we construct it, along with many more points and queries about each individual piece. Personally I think Mirror Mirror has AMAZING potential, and I think unlike the rest of the plays, we could really do it justice. The play is extremely diverse and really lends itself to interperetation, creativity, originality, humour, STAGING, technique and IMPACT!!!

What does worry me however is the idea that we are to be casted, rather than audition. For some people I think this is a fabulous idea as jusdging by their impro they are diverse and adaptable actors, however for me- this is scary!! Impro is hard for me, as often I am intimidated by the 'amazingness' of the actors performing, and it is difficult to enter a scene when you know it is working tremendously already! It is hard to risk what is brilliant! Also, i think impro is very different from scripted acting so it may be hard for Miss Mace to really get an idea of how we will go.

I think Wednesdays was not good.... I think it was THE BEST DRAMA LESSON EVER! :) Everyone was on fire!!! It is such a pleasure to be in a class full of such energetic, amazing people... Scary though- if you want the same part as them! :)haha Well done to every single person for wednesday, I thought we did really really well!!

Good luck for the catsing everyone, I hope we all get the parts we want and deserve!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Alas... The prospect of work.

ok ok.... SO

Aboriginal issues ey....? Not exactly my prefered style but hey...we must BE good Aussi students musn't we! :) Luckily actually ACTING OUT the play allows us to actually imagine the scenes and see them depicted before us... Words can hence make a lot more sense and we can visualise the complexities of the scenes beforee us. Kyle is a fantasic Worru and I compliment him on his continuing struggle to remain inetersted haha. Well, off to our essays.. hooray...

Monday, February 5, 2007

Drama - Yay or Nay...?

Drama began well this term as we began to familiarise ourselves with the students we would be working with for the rest of the year. Although the fun was clouded with talk of year twelve and the hideous path we have before us, Miss Mace set us up with a well organised structure and some goals that we can 'realistically?' work towards. Starting some ‘getting to know you games’ were also beneficial as we can to experiment with our own imagination and creativity as well as that of the others in the class. We could test our comfort zones so far, and see what it is that we will be working with in the future. It was also important that we have a fun introduction to drama for the year so that we do not lose heart too early on.- tra la la :)
Our class is a wide combination of people from many different ‘groups’ around the school. However due to past classes and our willingness to laugh, our group appears to work well together and merely approach each task with a light hearted outlook. Hopefully participation and enthusiasm in all activities will continue throughout the year.

Good Luck to all and goodnight...