Thursday, March 22, 2007

It's a new day........ It's a new WORLD!....

Well well......

Reading through the play has been really good so far. ALthough it's so difficult to really apply yourself emotionally and physically when you are reading from a book juggled between your two nervous hands :)

I wish I had a better idea of the characters- who they are, what they are, where they come in etc. I have no idea where I am headed, and no intentioned parts to persue. It seems everyone else has a pretty good idea.. I wonder if the all knowing Miss Mace has some ideas.... Everyone has been falling into the roles really well, which is nice to see. I loved watching ADele play the ring master- I think she did an awesomely physical and elaborate job in a guy's role. Luke and Kyle were great as the voice, and Bec lovely as Madame. It seems we are all pretty maliable and diverse with our characterisation which is really important. If only we could ditch the books and move!! Its also hard to really commit yourself to a role if other people really arent. Its hard not to feel judged. Pirouetting across the stage half heartedly was really yuk. hmmmm

I really hope the whole 'group divide' thing is working out. It sort of struck me when miss mace brought it up as i knew there were little group cracks, but just as in any bunch of people who have some friends and some aquantences. I whole heartedly agree that some improvements must be made with listening to each other, and doing so politely. Other than that I didnt see that much of a problem. I really hope we are all so much closer by the show.

We need to be! xx

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Let's start at the very beginning...

Although we are yet to see a script, we have finally started to move Mirror Mirror. This has been really useful in a number of ways as not only can we actually SEE the piece before us, but we can get an idea of who is to excel in what part, and what our focus part might be.

I think the last scene that we moved was extremely impressive and open to our creativity. The idea of a huge circle yelling and swarming about the main character each in a different and recognisable character is fantastic and very evocative. The costumes, make up, light and sound should play an enormous part in the performance of that particular segment and it should be the basis for the audience to get a REAL idea of the intensity of our show.

There are so many segments and devices apparent in the text that have just so much potential. ANd so many actors within our group, that given the confidence (or just insanity) and the encouragement, can simply shock our moderators. I think if we put just a little bit more enthusiasm into the readings it may provoke our inspiration just that little bit more...

Have a lovely weekend :) xx

Saturday, March 10, 2007

AAAAAnorexia NNNNervosa...

Ok, some information for you and me...

Anorexia Nervosa is an eating disorder which includes an intense fear of gaining weight or becoming obese, as well as a distorted body image, leading to an excessive weight loss from restricting food intake and sometimes excessive exercise. People with the condition continue to think of themselves as fat even when a great deal of weight has been lost. In anorexia nervosa, actual loss of appetite may not be experienced and sufferers usually feel hungry as would someone on a weight-reducing diet.

It is on the increase in adolescent girls and younger women, although the incidence is also increasing in young men. It is often associated with depression and low self-esteem, and sometimes with a resistance to growing up, or problems with sexuality. Many people believe that it is the influence of Western society, celebrities and the media which thinness central to beauty.
Because many individuals with anorexia nervosa never seek medical treatment, the exact prevalence of the condition is unknown.
"Between 5 and 18 per cent of known sufferers of anorexia nervosa die of starvation."
-Scary no?

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Express THIS!

Expressionism- For those who do not speak...

Physical theatre/ expressionism/symbolism/improvisation/ sinetics... what more theory could we want...

BUT with all this there is action, movement, grace and ofcourse the vulgarity of expressing hidden emotion- whatever it may be. I think the group is doingf so wel with this topic, and I am so glad that Miss Mace thinks this too! It was nice to have some compliments as a group- and a little hope for what we can do together. I think everyone was a little unsure if what we were doing ACTUALLY was expressionism, or whether it was just a lot of reunning about with big arms and swirling heads. But I agree... it looks SO impressive when polished and it cab be just so moving and interesting to watch.

Doing this expressionism to music has also been really beneficial. It gives everyone something to follow, and certainly sets the tone of the piece. Sometimes it took music for us to both get ideas and to move them.

LAST THING- I really really enjoyed the symbolism and intricacy involved in the last activity. I love that everything can have a hidden meaning behind it, and the audience may or may not get it... but we know its there, so we have the satisfaction of knowing ALL. Well done Kyle again for your awesome symbolism ideas! Leonie and Victoria- your performance was awesome! Loved the facials Leonie..

Night xx