Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Express THIS!

Expressionism- For those who do not speak...

Physical theatre/ expressionism/symbolism/improvisation/ sinetics... what more theory could we want...

BUT with all this there is action, movement, grace and ofcourse the vulgarity of expressing hidden emotion- whatever it may be. I think the group is doingf so wel with this topic, and I am so glad that Miss Mace thinks this too! It was nice to have some compliments as a group- and a little hope for what we can do together. I think everyone was a little unsure if what we were doing ACTUALLY was expressionism, or whether it was just a lot of reunning about with big arms and swirling heads. But I agree... it looks SO impressive when polished and it cab be just so moving and interesting to watch.

Doing this expressionism to music has also been really beneficial. It gives everyone something to follow, and certainly sets the tone of the piece. Sometimes it took music for us to both get ideas and to move them.

LAST THING- I really really enjoyed the symbolism and intricacy involved in the last activity. I love that everything can have a hidden meaning behind it, and the audience may or may not get it... but we know its there, so we have the satisfaction of knowing ALL. Well done Kyle again for your awesome symbolism ideas! Leonie and Victoria- your performance was awesome! Loved the facials Leonie..

Night xx

1 comment:

jayan Mace said...

I tell you what I can not express my level of impressedness (new word for ya, very self indulgent, not having a grasp on vocabulary and hence making up my own, sorry). I am glad that you all got into it as you were able to see the potential. I guess it is quite obvious how it could go haywire.
You have a talent for expressing your self Madeline and it makes your blogs a pleasure to read, not to mention the heads up they will give you on your group production report.
ms mace